The Van Fire..

Hello everybody, welcome to a new post on Archie’s blog. Today I am going to tell you what happened with Archie 2 years ago. This story is very sad and I am going to tell you what happened from my point of view.

It was foggy and misty outside. We got inside the van and drove of to school. Archie was in the back as he was having his walk. We were halfway down the road until a woman behind us told us to pull over. She looked worried. We looked out to see what the matter was and saw flames coming up from the tires. We quickly jumped out the van but we could not get to where Archie was. We called the Police and Fire men who came straight away. But when they got there, the whole front of the van was on fire and black smoke filled the air. We told the fire men that Archie our dog was in the back. One fire fighter went inside the van and found Archie on the floor, passed out. When they carried him out he was making loud gasping noises. They lay him on the floor and did a breathing method and reviving Archie, the way they would with a human. Finally he woke up and started licking the fire fighter’s hand slowly and weakly. We took him to the vets.

Archie stayed at the vets for 2 nights. We phoned every hour and the vets had said that we might have to prepare for the worst. They explained that Archie could deteriorate and could pass away. After 3 days, the vets phoned us and said we could pick him up. We were so happy that we drove straight there. We were with our dog again and we never want to let him go. We saw him in the vets. He saw us and ran to us looking so happy.

The vets said that he could have breathing problems in the future but it has been over 2 years and he is running like a greyhound and happy as ever. We would like to say thank you to the fire fighter and vets and the people who came out their houses to offer and give Archie water and blankets.

Have a great evening and happy Wednesday

link to the article:


-lily and Archie x


Archie’s Operation

Archie has some sad news! He has had an operation recently, he has been neutered. He has to wear a cone/lampshade around his head and hates it. I feel really sorry for Archie because he is feeling fine but is NOT aloud to have walkie’s. He went to the vets on the 24th January 2014. He is also not aloud to be off the lead for 10-12 DAYS (Archie’s worst nightmare!) Poor Archie! I will post soon, so see you then! Bye, Lily x

A few quick pictures of Archie at 10 months

Sorry for the delay in posting, we have been on holiday for a month in Devon and the Lake District in England. Archie experienced camping for the first time and was really well-behaved. However, he decided to take control of driving our new VW Transporter and our motor Dinghy. You might think I am joking, but we have picture evidence right here!

I will post again as soon as I can.






Archie (the celebrity) to Appear On Tv


Archie has come along way since I last blogged. He will now walk off the lead and loves chasing tennis balls, although doesn’t always bring them back.

The best news is that Archie has been chosen to appear on TV in a program called Give Out Girls, which can be seen soon on Sky Living. Archie is not appearing ‘in doggy person’, but his picture will be used on one of the trade stands in the show that is promoting vegetarian dog food. Some of the cans and banners that he can be seen on are giant, so hopefully his picture will be clear on TV.

IMG_14721 photo (21)

To keep up to date with news about Archie (the celebrity), please follow our blog and feel free to comment. Archie’s pawtograph can be emailed on request!